The Ultimate Website Redesign Process Guide 2023

Crucial Steps To Follow When Redesigning Your Website

Website Redesign Process

Web designers frequently think about the website redesign process, focusing on technical matters such as code, wireframes, and content management. 

But great design is about something other than how you add social media buttons or even slick graphics. Great design involves a website development process that aligns with an overarching plan.

Well-designed websites provide more than aesthetics. They attract visitors & help people understand the product, company, and branding through various indicators, text, encompassing visuals, and interactions. That means each element of your website needs to work towards a set objective.

But how can you create that good fusion of elements? Through a comprehensive website redesign process that considers both form and function.

1. Scope

The scope is one of the most frequent and complex issues affecting web design projects. The customer initially has a single objective, but it gradually broadens, evolves, or completely changes during the design process. 

Before you know it, you’re not just designing and creating a website but also a web app, emails, and even push notifications.

It is only sometimes a concern for designers because it frequently results in additional work. However, the project may quickly become unfeasible if a budget or deadline increase doesn’t coincide with an equal rise in expectations.

2. Sitemap

The sitemap is the backbone of every well-designed website. It describes the links between different pages and content sections and provides web designers with a clear understanding of the website’s information architecture.

A site cannot be built without a sitemap, just as you cannot build a home without a blueprint. And such outcomes are seldom favorable.

3. Timeline

Websites that stand out require time. You don’t want to design a timeline that is either too long and lacks a sense of urgency or too short and encourages your team to rush through crucial processes.

There is, sadly, no quick fix for how long a website overhaul will take. You should expect to spend between 2 and 5 months on your website redesign. However, it relies on the website size & how many levels of approval you’ll need along the way.

4. Wireframe

The next step is to develop a wireframe mockup using some design ideas. The visual design & content parts of the website can be organized using wireframes, which can also use to spot any inconsistencies or holes in the sitemap.

A wireframe serves as a blueprint for the site’s overall design, even though it doesn’t include any design elements. It may also serve as motivation while formatting different elements. Some designers construct their wireframes using advanced applications like Balsamiq or Webflow.

5. Company Branding

Before working on the content and design, you must choose your new website’s appearance and feel. Your website acts as an online brochure for your company. 

Therefore, you should ensure that your branding reflects your business’s brand identity, mission, and values. You may ensure consistency throughout your site by being very explicit about your desired branding, message, and tone.

6. Visuals

Do you still use the same pictures from 1999? Update your product or service images and take a new corporate photo. Ensure that everything is responsive and looks proper across a range of devices.

7. Content

If the front end of your website is engaging, you can quickly grab the visitor’s attention. If your content is reliable and compelling, you can keep consumers and encourage them to purchase quickly.

In addition to increasing interaction, website content increases SEO site exposure. As a result, constantly pay attention to the content aspect to perform your design process efficiently and successfully.

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8. Development

After all the research and creativity gatherings, a website is developed in the development phase. Shells, usually called empty pages, are built using the site map. 

During this stage, the content management system elements, including eCommerce shopping carts and forms, are operational, and all website functions are tested.

When making any modifications, ensure the design team and the developers are constantly communicating. 

The modifications should ideally be integrated into the redesign website process & evaluated on the prototype while the wireframe is finalized. It is not advised to continue modifying your website after this point.

9. Testing

Testing may begin once the site has all of its graphics and content. Test each page carefully to confirm that all links are functional and that the website shows appropriately across all platforms and browsers. 

Minor code errors can lead to errors, and while finding and fixing them is frequently tricky, it’s best to do so soon rather than letting the public use a malfunctioning site.

10. Launch

At the time of launch, create and follow a go-live checklist and do quality checks on your work. If your on-page optimization work or redirects need to be implemented or tested, you should wait to move forward with the launch. 

By interacting with your community, building relationships with them on social media, and communicating with them via email, you can use your website to sell your business just like any other marketing tool.

Also Read: What Should I Look For When Hiring A Web Design Company?

11. SEO Optimization

Fundamentally, user intent is considered in SEO. Before fulfilling the user purpose, you will not rank. Empathy is essential to understand the users’ intentions.

Technically speaking, SEO affects how quickly and easily a buyer may find your website. When your website includes visuals without alternative text, incorrectly used HTML elements and irrelevant keywords, Google crawlers will have difficulty finding it.

It could be beneficial to assess the website’s SEO using online tools like SEOptimer, Website Grader, etc., to find any obvious errors in your optimization.

12. Maintenance

After the website has been launched and thoroughly tested, it’s time to maintain it. There may still be some issues that need to be resolved, and web design is a continuing process that needs ongoing upkeep.

Once the website is live, you can continuously test new features and content with users, track metrics, and improve your messaging.


This guide is a perfect solution to be organized and clear on your objectives for all DIY marketers. These steps to develop a website will make your website redesign stress-free.

If you still have questions about redesigning a website, you may speak with a website redesign company like EvinceDev. The professionals there can help you assess the benefits and drawbacks of various designs and assist you in making the best decision.

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