New Google Core Update: What website owners should know?

May 2022 Google Core Update : Helping people find more helpful, useful, authoritative, and trustworthy resources.

New Google Update: What website owners should know ?

Google is constantly updating its algorithm. Whether you’re a web developer or an SEO expert, it can be hard to keep up. For instance, per the latest update, you must consider page quality and user experience, among other things.

The frequency of core updates can be difficult to predict, but they’re typically announced in the first quarter of each year. Google usually announces core updates in March, June, September, and December.

Although, as of writing this article, Google has released only one core update in 2022, i.e., May 2022 Core Update.

Fortunately, some helpful guidelines will put you ahead of the game in Google’s 2022 Core Update. Here’s what you need to know:

May 2022 Core Update

Google started releasing the broad core algorithm update on May 25, 2022. It took 15 days to completely roll out the update, ending on June 9, 2022.

This update is about helping people find more helpful, useful, authoritative, and trustworthy resources. These changes will help you answer your questions and get things done faster than ever before!

The most recent previous Core Update was the November 2021 core update.

That said, let’s understand how you can check the quality of your webpage and ensure further Core Updates don’t affect your rankings negatively.

How to Check Your Webpage’s Quality?

As discussed above, the core update doesn’t aim to fix anything wrong. Instead, it aims to provide better results to searchers.

Here are some questions that’ll help you determine your page quality.

Quality Rater Guidelines and E-A-T

E-A-T is the acronym for “Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness.” It’s what determines whether your content is deemed credible by Google’s algorithms. The Quality Rater Guidelines are a list of factors that are used by human raters to determine E-A-T in a given piece of content. For example:

Page Quality (PQ) Rating and Needs Met (NM) Rating

Page quality rating aims to understand the true purpose of a webpage. The higher the page quality rating, the better the chances of ranking at the top.

Here are the factors that affect page quality rating:

Low-Quality Pages

The pages that lack good quality content or the creator of the content lacks expertise for the page’s purpose are considered low-quality pages or lacking quality pages. According to Google, the following aspects are an indication of low-quality pages.

Page Quality FAQs

1. What is page quality?

Page quality is a measure of the relevance of a page to a given query. It’s one component of Google’s ranking algorithm, which determines where your site appears in search results.

A high-quality page provides visitors with good information and satisfies their needs.

2. What’s the difference between mobile-friendly and page quality ratings?

Page Quality is a user-centric rating of a page’s E-A-T, quality, and relevance. This means it measures how well the content on a page answers questions that matter to users.

Mobile-Friendly is not part of Google’s search algorithm. Rather, if your website is mobile-friendly, it simply means that our algorithms have determined that your site meets a baseline standard for usability on mobile devices (e.g., tap targets are large enough so people can easily click them).

3. How do you measure page quality?

Page quality is measured using a combination of automated systems and manual reviews.

We use a variety of signals and data to determine this score, including:

4. What are the different Page Quality rating levels?

The Page Quality rating system categorizes a site’s overall quality, determined by analyzing its content. Sites are rated on a scale of high, medium, or low quality, or bad and fake. The criteria that determine the rating are not publicly available but may include grammar, spelling, and formatting issues.

5. What important aspects should be considered for a High rating on each of these pages?

The following are some of the important aspects to consider for a high rating on each of these pages:

Content quality, which includes:

Design quality, which includes:

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Page Experience Update for Desktop 2022

The Page Experience Update is a change to how Google ranks pages. The update will affect the desktop version of Google search results. Earlier; Google rollout for a mobile version.

The purpose of this update is to ensure that users find what they’re looking for on the web more easily and quickly than before. The goal is to surface high-quality content that gives people what they want and keep them on your site longer so you can serve them with ads.

How does Google measure Page Experience?

The key factors that affect desktop page experience are:

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Additionally, these factors might impact the page experience.

What should I do to prepare for the page experience update?

If you want to male your site is ready for the Page Experience Update, it’s important to make sure your site meets some basic requirements:

To help your users have a great experience on your website, focus on pages that provide the best user experience.

Wrapping Up

To sum it up, Google suggests the following advice regarding core updates.

Core updates don’t affect any site or niche in particular. With every core update, you can expect noticeable effects on your rankings. Websites that see a drop in rankings aren’t penalized. Instead, they are being assessed against other content that has been published since the last update. The best way to stay foolproof from core updates is by publishing authoritative content.

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